Why Choose Mono Earrings
1. To be special
Mono earrings are a great way to make your look unique and stand out.
Yes, this has been a trend for some time, many celebrities choose this particular accessory on the Red carpet, and eminent designers such as Yves Saint Laurent, Dolce & Gabbana and others present them in their collections.
But despite this, on the streets you will not so often meet women who wear earrings in such a way.
So choosing mono earrings, you get a great chance to be unique!
2. To emphasize the oval of the face
This is a cool way to emphasize the oval of the face. Mono-earrings, not to make the feeling that the girl just accidentally forgot to put on the second earring, are most often created in large sizes. And their shape can be harmoniously combined with the shape of your face.
For example, the following options.
Round face + elongated not too large mono-earrings.
Square or rectangular face + earrings with round elements.
Oval or triangular face + large long earrings.
3. To combine with hairstyle
Mono earrings are a very interesting addition to any hairstyle with open ears: ponytails and buns, asymmetrical hairstyles, long hair styled to one side, etc.
4. To add accents
This accessory can add a bright and noticeable accent to any outfit, especially monochrome and minimal ones, making them more interesting and original.
Want mono earring from cloisonne jewelry collection?
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Among my enamel earrings I have some - you can check them here: